Emergency Wedding Day Kit
IN YOUR WEDDING DAY EMERGENCY BAG (These are just suggestions. Use your own judgement for what you to pack in your kit)
- antacid
- aspirin/ibuprofen, advil
- baby powder (useful for getting out last-minute spills on a white dress)
- Band-Aids that match your skin tone
- bobby pins and hair elastics
- brush
- Cash ($20- you never know what you’ll need it for)
- cell phone (be sure to turn it off before the wedding)
- cell phone charger
- clear nail polish (useful for stocking runs)
- Clorox Wipes
- cologne
- comb
- contact lens solution/cases
- cotton balls
- crochet hook – for those pesky fabric buttons that are hard to grab to hook
- disposable camera
- disposable razor
- dental floss
- deodorant-(clear)
- driver’s license or photo I.D. card
- duct tape (good for any handy repairs)
- emery board
- extra copies of directions to your reception
- extra earring backs
- extra pair of flat shoes
- extra pair of panty hose
- eye drops
- facial cleansing cloths
- first aid kit
- gum
- hairdryer and any other hair tools you may need
- hair spray
- hair ties
- handkerchief
- hand sanitizer
- important phone numbers (family, wedding party, wedding vendors, taxi company),
- insect repellent (for outdoor ceremonies or events- be sure it smells nice!)
- iron
- legal documents needed
- lint brush/roller
- lotion
- makeup
- makeup remover pads
- medications
- mints
- mirror (small and portable)
- mouthwash
- nail file/clippers
- nail polish and top coat, in your choice of colors
- Neosporin
- perfume (travel size)
- Q-tips
- scissors-little pair for cutting tags
- sunscreen
- sewing kit (buttons, hem tape, needle safety pins, small scissors, straight pins, thread that matches wedding/bridal parties dresses)
- straight pins for wedding dance
- Super Glue…just in case a hell breaks
- straws (for drinking without messing up lipstick or dress for you and your bridesmaids
- swabs
- tampons or pad
- throw away garter
- Tide pen
- tissues
- toothbrush and toothpaste
- tweezers
- umbrella
- Vaseline – rub on foot where a high heal might be rubbing skin – it completely reduces friction!
- wash cloth or hand towel
- wet wipes
- wrinkle release spray
- white chalk (to cover any stains on the dress)