Wedding Processional Order
In a Traditional Christian wedding ceremony, this is the order that is usually used. There are tons of variations, make your wedding your own…there is no right or wrong way….think outside the box…walk with both your parents…or with your dad and step-dad if you care to….It’s your wedding day!
I’ve done some reading and research on this…and most weddings I’ve been to had the groom and officiant waiting at the front of the venue whether at the church or other facility. Though I have seen some walk down the aisle, so I will put it in when they should come out, but you will make your own decisions what is best for your wedding day!
- GROOMS PARENTS – the Grooms parents come down the aisle and sit on the right in the front row.
- MOTHER OF THE BRIDE – the Mother of the Bride marks the start of the processional. She takes her seat to the left in the first row.
- GROOMSMEN – If you decide to have them walk without the Bridesmaids and maid of honor, this is when they would come out. If they are walking with the Bridesmaids then they would wait until the Bridesmaids come out.
- BEST MAN – He is the next on to walk out. Unless you are having him walk with the Maid of Honor. If so he will walk out with her then. Either way, the Best Man is in charge of getting the Groom there on time and keeping him calm and relaxed. He stands by the Grooms side during the ceremony and signs the marriage certificate. He may also hold the Brides and/or both rings.
- GROOM – If the Groom decides to walk down the aisle instead of waiting in the front of the area, then this is when he would walk out.
- OFFICIANT – If the Officiant is not waiting up front, this is when he would walk out.
- BRIDESMAIDS – If you choose to pair them with the Groomsmen to walk, keep these rules in mind. If you have an odd number of bridesmaids , either two Bridesmaids walk together or one Groomsmen will walk with two Bridesmaids, one on each arm.
- MAID/MATRON OF HONOR – She sticks close to the bride. She tends to her veil and train. Then she walks down the aisle and stands by the Brides side during the ceremony. Also, during the ceremony she holds the Brides bouquet and sometimes the Grooms ring. She signs the marriage certificate.
- FLOWER GIRL & RING BEARER – These two walk together. Ring Bearer carries the decoy wedding rings tied to a pillow. Flower Girl traditionally carries a basket with pedals which she scatters as she walks. (I want to put in here that many outdoor venues are not allowing this anymore, it can be messy and hard to get all of the pedals up. I did hear at a conference recently that small bells are being used for the Flower Girl to ring while walking down the aisle. It’s the new craze and you can even order them engraved!)
- FATHER OF THE BRIDE AND BRIDE – The Father of the Bride has one of the most sentimental roles at the ceremony. He accompanies the Bride on her right side to walk down the aisle. After he gives her away, he lifts her veil and kisses her then shakes the Grooms hand, signifying his blessing, and then takes his seat by the Brides mom.